Wednesday, January 29, 2014

There he is again

October 4, 1931 - To church this morning and to Mrs. Adolph Rolfe's funeral this afternoon.  Mother, Ray and I went to the barn dance at Ed Schellenberg's tonite.  We had a real good time.
October 5, 1931 - Mayme and K.C. got here at 8:30 and we got to Wayne for Institute at about 9:00. Mayme and I had dinner at the Gem Cafe.  We came home on the train.  Uncle Hans' got word today that Aunt Lena was worse.  Uncle Hans and the girls left for Rochester this afternoon.  Aunt Nan was here for supper and stayed all nite.
October 6, 1931 - Mother was going to take us to Wayne in the Ford, but it wouldn't work, so we had to use Mrs. Brown's car.  Mayme and I had dinner at the Boyd Hotel.  We came home with Nona Fillmore.  Emelia, Art and Hans Ruschman came today.  They're going to go to Rochester tomorrow. Lloyd came after Mayme and they brought me here.  It started to rain about 7:00 and we had a real good rain.

I will be interested to see what comes of this K.C. person.  I have not read forward to see if Grandma ever uses his name.

I can't get a good enough photo that will enlarge, but here is the Boyd Hotel circa 1908.

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