Sunday, April 21, 2013

Welcome to Post No. Four Hundred . . . One

"April 3, 2002:  Mary here at noon so I could shower.  Book Club meeting in evening.
April 4, 2002:  I called Myrtle in a.m.  Baked dilly bread.  Tom here for supper.  We played Rummikub.  Bill called -- he has made an appointment at Dental Clinic for me on April 17.  Tom took my laundry home.
April 5, 2002:  An uneventful day.  I called Raymond -- all okay with him."

I missed announcing the last post was Number 400.  But, the sun came up this morning, so it is all good.

Ah, Dilly Bread!  One of life's greatest pleasures in my book.  Especially lightly toasted with a bit of butter.  I was in a little shop some time back and the two ladies working there were talking with one another.  As it turns out, and as they shared with me, one of them is a big dill fan.  I asked if she had ever had Dilly Bread.  Not only had she not had the pleasure, she had never heard of it.  I promptly got the recipe from Mom and took it to her a few days later, much to her surprise.  The last time I checked, she had not made it yet but I will stop in again some time and check.  Of course, I have forgotten her name now but if I just ask for the Big Dill Fan, I should be okay.

Here's a great photo of some family picnic.  I know I wasn't there since I wasn't born yet, so I don't know if anyone brought Dilly Bread.  That's Aunt Margaret, Aunt Myrtle, Little Grandma, Aunt Kate (I think), and Aunt Clara in back.

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