Thursday, July 26, 2018

Canning peaches

Fri., August 28, 1936 - Howard helped Carl Troutman this p.m.  We went to Lodge tonite.  I was named delegate to the Rebekah Assembly which is in October.
Sat., August 29, 1936 - I canned 14 quarts and 7 pints of peaches today.  Howard went to town tonite but I stayed home.
Sun., August 30, 1936 - I canned 10 pt. of peaches this a.m.  Howard helped cut corn over home today.  I went over there for dinner.  Helen and I went to her school this p.m.  Stopped at Rews on way home.

Gotta love canned peaches.  I have never seen the house Grandma and Grandpa are living in at this time, but I believe it was on the small side.  Where did Grandma store all those many jars of canned goodies?


  1. There was a cellar outside. We would go down there when there were bad storms. Very scary to a little kid.

  2. Actually I think it would be called a cave.
