Friday, May 11, 2018

Who needs physiology anyway?

Mon., April 20, 1936 - Windy and cloudy.  Sprinkled a little in a.m.  The girls came after me tonite.  We went to town to practice for initiating Carroll's new member this Friday night.
Tues., April 21, 1936 - We really didn't have much school today with the seventh grade gone.  Went to bed early tonite.
Wed., April 22, 1936 - Talked over examination questions.  They were pretty easy except Physiology.  We planted trees this morning and the boys fixed the approaches to the school yard.

Based on other entries, I am guessing "the girls" are Aunt Irene and Aunt Helen.

For some reason, I really like the idea of country school kids planting trees and fixing approaches.  Even then, not everything at school was books and chalkboards. 

Speaking of trees, I took the photo above this week.  Anna gave me a tree for no particular reason last year.  I dutifully planted it and put a protective wire cage around it to be sure it wasn't mowed or driven over.  It stayed alive all last year but never seemed to grow much.  Then this winter, someone (not me) drove over my sturdy wire cage and dented it up pretty well.  In their defense, we had had a bunch of snow and the pickup is tall, so they probably couldn't see it.  I was not hopeful for the little tree, but did go searching for it a few weeks ago.  I thought a little skinny stick I found might be it, but I was not sure.  Then this week, I spied the tree in the photo.  It is in the right spot (as far as I can tell since my cage was severely dislodged from its original position), it's an oak (which is what Anna gave me and what she said is in the photo), and it's alive!  So, I put a temporary cage around it and will clear out the grass and weeds and see if the little thing can make a go of it.  Updates as conditions warrant, if I remember.

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