Thursday, May 17, 2018

Poor Earl

Wed., April 29, 1936 - Cooler today.  Cloudy but no rain.  Once again I played outside with the kids at noon.
Thurs., April 30, 1936 - We had a good rain last nite.  Mrs. Nieman rec'd word this morning that her mother is quite ill.  Mr. Nieman took her to Altona right after breakfast.  I got supper tonite.  Mom called up and told me the boys' exam grades.  Earl has to take 2 over.  The others were good.  Mr. Nieman went to Altona after supper.
Fri., May 1, 1936 - Earl felt pretty bad about his grades.  Mr. Nieman took me to town right after school.  Mom and I talked and planned.

I should state that regarding yesterday's post that I realize the garden likely was a genuine priority.  Homegrown food was much cheaper and more readily available than that at a store, I would imagine.  But still, getting the garden started had to be more fun than dealing with multiple junk piles.

Photo from

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