Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Ups and downs

Wed., March 13, 1935 - Rheumatism better today.  Warm and sunshiny.  8th grade reviewed Arithmetic after school.
Thurs., March 14, 1935 - Rheumatism much worse.  I can hardly get into the out of bed.  Kids will have to do all the cleaning tomorrow for party because I won't be able to do any.
Fri., March 15, 1935 - Goodling took me to school.  Got very warm today.  Our party a success.  Howard took me to the "hard time" card club meeting at Wagners.  Windy and dusty tonite.

She doesn't say, but I suppose the party was for St. Patrick's Day.

It must be the month or something, because glancing around these same March days in 1936, Grandma had rheumatism problems then, too.

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