Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Puddle jumper?

Sat., April 6, 1935 - Sun shone a little today.  Didn't do much of anything today.  Mom and I played Squeak tonite.  Rained this p.m. and evening.
Sun., April 7, 1935 - Didn't go to S.S.or church.  Snowed last nite and cold this morning.  Howard's folks weren't back from Fremont when he left this evening, so we rode in the "puddle jumper".  We played High Five at home with Mom and Granddad.
Mon., April 8, 1935 - Cloudy most of the day.  Marian asked me if I could stay with them Wednesday nite.  Went to bed early.

Darn it, but we really do need to start playing cards again at family gatherings.  We had so much fun doing that over the years.

I am guessing the reference to Grandpa and the car is because Grandpa gave Grandma a ride to Goodlings' on Sunday night.  I have no idea what kind of car the puddle jumper was.

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