Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A new Nielsen?

Wed., April 3, 1935 - Snowed a little about all day.
Thurs., April 4, 1935 - I'm getting a cold.  Howard and the rest came after me to go to card club at Frances Nielsen's.  I'm going to have the next meeting Apr. 20.  I'm getting hoarse this evening.
Fri., April 5, 1935 - Rather chilly and still cloudy.  Mr. Goodling brought me to town before supper.  I'm so hoarse that I have to talk in a whisper sometimes.

I have never heard of Frances Nielsen, but from recent conversations with "the fam" I can state she is very likely not related to Rasmus.  I do wish we knew more about him.  My efforts in genealogy research have not revealed much of anything at all.

I know Grandma wrote that she was hoarse, not a little hoarse, but here are two little horses (in sweaters) anyway.

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