Friday, May 22, 2015

Iversen "sighting"

September 8, 1932 - Played ball again with the kids.  Did some hektographing and also inked some copies today.  Made out lesson plans this evening.
September 9, 1932 - Played ball with the kids at noon.  Mom came after me about 4:30.  I went to Rebekah Lodge tonite.  They're having a picnic at Iversen's Sunday.  I hope I can go.
September 10, 1932 - Rainy today.  Mom and I went to Norfolk this p.m.  We each got a new green winter hat.  Ray helped Ola cut wood today and didn't come home tonite.

How nice that the day of the picnic is for my next post so I can keep those wondering when Grandpa will make an appearance in suspense a bit longer.

The photo is of "1930s winter fashion", but of course I have no idea what Grandma and Grandma Anna's hats were like.  It's a neat photo regardless.

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