Thursday, October 18, 2018

The winter that won't let up

Wed., February 3, 1937 - Snowing & windy today.  It's impossible to go after the car.
Thurs., February 4, 1937 - Jo & Mike brought our mail tonite.  About half on hour after they came Raymond, Helen & Bess came.  The girls had walked all the way from Rews.  The weather was too bad yesterday on my birthday so they came tonite.  Mike & Jo didn't know they (the girls) were going to come tonite.  So we were all surprised.
Fri., February 5, 1937 - Howard went over home to see about taking the tractor to get our car but decided it was too cold.

While it's not fun to swelter in summer heat, it surely doesn't sound like the extreme opposite in 1937 was any better.  Nice, though, that Grandma got a bit of a surprise, well two maybe, for her birthday.

And here's a photo of a birthday 68 years later, Grandma's last as it turned out.  Gosh, but I still miss her so much.

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