Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Wed., July 12, 1933 - Helen went home today. This evening John, Uncle Chris, Gerald, Alma and I went to Carroll to take Beth home.  Last nite Gus Hoffman's and around there south into Stanton Co. were completely hailed out.  A bad wind struck Winside.  It tore the little shed north of the barn off at Granddad's.  Florence told us about it.
Thurs., July 13, 1933 - Alma had her examinations today and I'm preparing for mine for tomorrow.  I think I about drove Alma crazy today reating [?] my secret work and lodge work to her.  Florence said today that Ola's were in the hail district, but it didn't do much damage.
Fri., July 14, 1933 - Alma checked in her books today.  We saw Mrs. Burt Lewis and she gave us a ride home, 100% better than going on the train.  Went to Rebekah lodge.  We had joint installation with the Odd Fellows.  I wasn't examined during lodge because it was getting late.  Howard brought me home.

Not sure who these people are, but they seem kinda tickled about big hail.

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