Wednesday, June 15, 2016

No Wild Ginger around here**

Tues., April 18, 1933 - Sent a birthday card to Mom today.  I sorted my patterns tonite and now have each month's material in a separate envelope. That was a real job.  Stayed at the schoolhouse until 5:30.
Wed., April 19, 1933 - Felt sick in school this p.m.  Went home about 4:30.  Tried to sleep awhile.  Bernice Schmidt called up.  She wants to wear my jacket in the play tomorrow nite.  Mayme called.  I'm going to go to Hall's Friday after school, go to show in Norfolk in evening and to dance at Hoskins, back to Winside Saturday morning.
Thurs., April 20, 1933 - School same as usual.  We went to the play at Hoskins this evening.  "Wild Ginger" was its name and it was excellent.  Dorothy Jochens went along.  Mr. and Mrs. Walker took my car and went to Scheurich this evening.

Try as I might, I could not find any information on a play titled "Wild Ginger".  There are several restaurants in the country with that name, and it is a real plant, but none of that insight helped me any.  And yes, that's a photo of wild ginger above.

**Oops, thought I posted this, but it was sitting here patiently as a draft.  So, it is out of order as I already posted 4/21 to 4/23 just a bit ago.**

1 comment:

  1. Mom had a car? This is the first I ever heard of that.
