Friday, September 11, 2015


October 20, 1932 - The wind was so strong last nite that it blew the schoolhouse door open.  So the building was quite cold when I got there.
October 21, 1932 - Warm again.  Ray came to school at recess.  He read in the car until school was out.  Then we went to Norfolk.  We went to Behmer's, Jochens' and Strate's for my order.  Mom, Ray and I played pinochle this evening.
October 22, 1932 - Washed my hair, finger-waved it and washed my silks this morning.  Mom ironed this a.m. and I finished it this p.m.  Rained and drizzled all day.

All-day ironing -- that's something that doesn't happen much any more, I'd wager.  I think I have mentioned previously in a post or two that I remember both Grandmas ironing (or maybe I only mentioned washing with the wringer washer . . . ).  I can see the sprinkler top on a Mountain Dew bottle, I believe it was -- green in any event.  I got to help sprinkle clothes every now and then.  The clothes were then folded just so and rolled up and put all together in a heavy plastic bag to sit before they were ironed.  I was trusted to iron Grandpa's handkerchiefs sometimes -- folded precisely in half, twice.


  1. Oh boy do I remember ironing and it did seem to take all day. Mary do you have Mom's ironing board? I remember her saying that Daddy bought that for her after they were married I believe. Oh what a swell present to receive.

  2. Yes, I remember using that type thing when I got to iron the hankies,

    This is Jim from Winside, I have been negligent in reading your blog, the old brain is more tired, still teaching at WSC, 12 hours, next year I am going to cut back to 3 hours.

  3. Then I can read it daily, regardless it is good this is getting written down,

  4. Then I can read it daily, regardless it is good this is getting written down,

    1. Glad you are still reading, even if you have to catch up sometimes. I am rather inconsistent in posting, so it's not only you . . . :-)

  5. Oh do I remember ironing. Like everyone else I started with handkerchiefs. When I first started ironing it was with a gas iron. That was really hot work. The electric was wonderful!
