Thursday, May 9, 2013

Plates on the wall

"April 24, 2002:  Rained and hailed a little this afternoon.  Went to Book Club in evening.
April 25, 2002:  Baked sticky rolls.  Nancy here for supper.  Tom here and they put up my Danish Christmas plates.  I showered and then Nancy and I played two games of Rummikub.  Talked to Myrtle in a.m.
April 26, 2002:  Cold, cloudy and windy.  Mitch and Anna here in evening.  We played "Sorry".

Oh, look -- devilled eggs!  Oh, and also Christmas plates on the wall.


  1. I love Greta's outfit. Also fun to recognize the different serving bowls.

  2. I used that blue one you are holding in your right hand just the other day.
