Monday, September 30, 2019

Pecking order

Fri., November 22, 2002 - A home nurse came again.  I had Meals on Wheels today.  I called Jean.  Mary & kids came this evening -- they brought soup.
Sat., November 23, 2002 - Tom & Merilyn left Sunday a.m. for Laughlin.  A home nurse came again.  I called Ray.  Mary brought noon meal - a beef & vegetable mixture -- very good.
Sun., November 24, 2002 - I baked a pumpkin pie.  Nancy came & ironed for me.  Tom called from Laughlin to find out how I was.  Bill, Jenny & Patty came in p.m.  We had pie for lunch.

I wonder how it is Jean got called before Uncle Ray.  Maybe she had tried to reach Grandma or something.  Her birthday was in May, so it wasn't that.

I wish I could remember more of the fun sayings Jean tossed around often.  The only one I recall is "for crying out the window."

Here's the Christensen family.  I think Uncle Pete looks rather handsome here.  Jean looks waaay to serious for how I remember her.

1 comment:

  1. Not only does Jean look way to serious but Aunt Margaret looks so sad and I remember her as being a happy person and laughed a lot. Uncle Pete does look quite handsome.
