Thursday, February 28, 2019

My memory . . . pfft

Mon., Sept. 9, 2002 - Talked to Annabelle.  Marie isn't too good -- she's had two slight strokes. Played Seven-Up this evening.
Tues., Sept. 10, 2002 - Martha R. brought me the recipe for Brunch Casserole.  Helen D. brought me some Sesame snacks.  She got them at a special store & asked if I'd like some.  I'll pay her next Monday.  Had my hair-do as usual.  In evening Dolores brought her son Mike & his wife here to see my apt. -- especially the plates.
Wed., Sept. 11, 2002 - Went to Book Club in evening.  Dolores came afterwards & we played Rummikub.

I'm guessing Grandma is referring to her Danish plates.  Darned if I can recall where they were in her place and how many she had on display. 

1 comment:

  1. She had them on the same wall as her recliner was. She had those black plate racks. I believe there were 5 of them and they each held 4 plates. I could be wrong on those numbers.
