Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Yes, I am related to Grandma

Tues., September 3, 2002 - Mini-van took me to the "hair do" place & Mary took me home.  Dolores came in evening -- we played one game of Scrabble & 2 games of Rummikub.  I played all my letters on my first play in Scrabble!!!  Never did that before.
Wed., September 4, 2002 - Not much doing today.  I skipped Book Club -- didn't feel like going.  Listened to the book tape Mary brought me from the library.
Thurs., September 5, 2002 - I pulled a boner today -- went down to get the mail & grabbed the fingernail clipper instead of my keys.  Went to Bernice's & Dale called Bob Johnson to unlock my door!!!  Tom came in the evening for the usual routine.  Myrtle called in a.m.

I had to chuckle reading that Grandma grabbed something other than her keys when she left.  That is very much the kind of thing I would do, and have done.  I can hear her laughing about it.

I sure wish she had recorded the word she played in Scrabble.  Also wished I played more Scrabble.  Might have to dust off the board one of these days.

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