Monday, July 27, 2015

Flash cards

October 5, 1932 - Back to school again.  Made flash cards for Harry's reading this evening.  Got a letter from Art Kahler.  He says he was discharged from the service Oct. 1.  He plans to go to Hot Springs, S. Dak. about the 12th of this month.  Martha Brogren's birthday.  Francis Andersen's birthday.  Lorraine Schmitt birthday.
October 6, 1932 - Wrote letters to Jane and Francis Andersen tonite after school.  Went to church with the folks this evening.
October 7, 1932 - Got a card from Mom tonite and she says she won't be after me until tomorrow.  She's at a RNA convention at Randolph today.  I went to church this evening with the folks.  LeRoy Brogren's birthday.

I remember flash cards and I made some for my two kids along the way, but I imagine they will eventually fall by the wayside and people will some day not even know what they are/were.  A bit of a shame, I think*.

I keep meaning to ask, what is this RNA that Grandma Anna was involved with?  It pops up every now and then I do not know what it is.

Back to the rest of the busy, busy 1903 in Winside:

     June 4, Marshal Smith has been busy trying to keep the chickens out of the park.  They seem to know a good thing when they see it.  There are other old roosters who enjoy the beautiful park too.
    June 17, a train wreck occurred about a mile and a half west of town in which three cars ran off the track.  One car was loaded with butter and eggs, the other two with coal.
     July 4, Winside spent the 4th in Hoskins.  E. R. Gurney was the speaker of the day.  In the afternoon most of the Winsiders took the train to Wayne spending the rest of the 4th there.
     July 16, nine big goose eggs, yes, that was the score Hoskins took home with them.  No wonder, the colts were hitched up right, batted right, rode on the merry-go-round right and felt right.  Kaiser Wilhelm Heyer had a wing on him like an Ostrich, steady as a clock and caused 13 boys to lay down their clubs at the old family plate.  And support, perfect with the exception of two little mishaps which didn't cut enough ice to make a milk shake.
     August 1, the Winside Brick Yard is doing fine and they hope this fall we will have a building boom.
     August 1, Winside is assured of a lecture course this season.  Six fine high class entertainments have been booked and we hope the community will turn out so the promoters will not have to "dig up."
     August 13, Girls' Basketball is doing some real playing.  This is the first time in history of the town that girls played this game.
     October 22, John Van Scorah was burning weeds northwest of the school house and the wind came up suddenly, fanning the flames so much that the M. E. church, parsonage and barn were threatened.  Neighbors rushed in to help him put it out.
     October 29, E. R. Gurney and family moved to Fremont, Nebraska.
     December 14, G. E. French bought part of the E. R. Gurney interests in the Merchants State Bank.

*I stand corrected.  When I went to the web to find a photo of some old flash cards, I found all kinds of new ones.  Perhaps they still have some life left in them.

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