Wednesday, July 15, 2015


October 2, 1932 - I went to S.S. and church this morning.  Ray went up to Uncle Hans' last nite and he and Edwin are working on his car today
October 3, 1932 - Art Koepke took Leona, Mayme, and me to Wayne this morning.  It rained most of the day.  We went down town before supper.  I looked for a new dress, but couldn't find anything I liked. Aunt Mildred's have moved.  They have a lovely home now.  Gerald is staying with them and going to college.  Irene Weible's birthday.
October 4, 1932 - Mother misunderstood me and didn't come to Wayne after us girls tonite.  We had to go home on the train.  Glen met us at the depot.  They took me to Hoskins as soon as I got my suitcase packed.

It must be one of those days, but I have nothing to add here to Grandma's activities.  So, I'll fall back on some Winside history.  The entry for 1903 is so long I'll have to do half now and half another time.

     January 1, J. C. Eckler is the new editor of the Winside Tribune.
     January 8, R. R. Smith of the P. V. Elevator, won a sewing machine at the Lound and Anderson drawing.
     January 15, 586 carloads of stock, grain, beets, potatoes, junk, etc. were shipped out of Winside during 1902.  289 cars were shipped to Winside.
     February 5, Winside markets:  hogs $6, wheat 59c, oats 24c, ear corn 24c, butter 18c, eggs 20c.
     February 12, Mr. Miller of the Nebraska Clark Automatic Telephone Co. has secured about 25 business and residential people to install telephones.
    March 12, Herbert Lound received two alligators from Wylie McClusky in Florida.  They have caused much attention in the drug store window.
     March 19, Mrs. H. E. Siman furnished the music on the new piano at the Hoskins dance.  Piano music for dances is very stylish now and fast taking the place of other instruments.
     March 26, Rev. Wigton of Norfolk preached his last sermon in Winside Sunday evening.
     April 16, Mrs. Wiggs and the Cabbage Patch was reviewed April 11 by Mrs. Schroeder at the Woman's club meeting.
     April 16, Curt Benshoof got to monkeying around in Mundy's store yesterday and landed in the cellar by the short route.
     April 23, George Needham and Alva Beeson are the proud owners of spotted pups, and are perfectly willing to stay awake nights and listen to the melodious cries of their pets.
     April 26, With the wind blowing a gale the Hoskins Huskers met the Winside Winners on the local diamond.  Score 15 to 13 in favor of Winside.  Hoskins put up a good game but lacked a pitcher that could put 'em over.  In the great contest both artists in the box threw curves from 5 to 10 feet wide.
     May 1, Gust A. Bleich and Carl Wolff went into partnership in the Harness shop.
     May 5, Mary Crosby Carter, wife of A. H. Carter, passed away.
     May 20, Winside easily defeated Hoskins at Hoskins, 17 to 7.  Needham, the Winside twirler, fanned 11 men and Ramsey, the "stop short" covered himself with glory.
     May 28, Work has again begun at the Winside Brick Yard.  It was moved from the old site a few rods north where better clay may be found.  A well has been dug and ample water has been found.

It seems that the first part of 1903 was plenty eventful.  Alligators in Winside . . . I'll be darned.

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