Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Old Settlers?

July 25, 1932 - I'm all tired out.  Slept all morning.  Annie and the kids came in this afternoon.  Mom cut out a dress for Annie.
July 26, 1932 - We washed and we had a whopper of a washing.  Washed and finger-waved my hair this afternoon.  Went to bed early.
July 27, 1932 - Mom and I did the ironing this morning.  Called up Jane and asked her to come tonite and then to Norfolk to the R.N.A. picnic tomorrow.  Her Grandad is sick and she couldn't come.  I went down town tonite.  Tried to rain, and sent quite a few people home.

The last post mentioned going down town to watch the people, and now we have a comment about the rain sending quite a few people home.  I wonder if Old Settler's was going on.  Grandma doesn't mention it directly, here or later, but that is my guess.

I think I have written previously about how I felt so wonderfully special when Old Settler's would be coming up and Grandpa would buy me what I considered an exorbitant amount of tickets.  It seems I always had lots more tickets than my friends.  The photo of me is from my Old-Settler's-enjoying days.

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