Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Crazy fun it seems

July 22, 1932 - Cleaned the upstairs today and moved back into the kitchen.  Instead of going to lodge this evening I mowed the back yard.  Jane Jeffrey's birthday.
July 23, 1932 - Finished mowing the lawn this morning and cleaned downstairs.  Arnold brought the girls (Lydia, Evelyn and Mildred) tonite, we went down town and sat in the car and watched the people.  Came home about 10:30, laughed and talked until 1:00 a.m.
July 24, 1932 - To S.S. and church this a.m.  We walked down town this p.m.  When we got back each of the girls gave their speech for the oratorial contest next Sunday eve.  The girls, Ray and I had a pick up supper in the kitchen.  Lydia got apple butter on her dress, Ray ate pepper and the rest laughed.  The girls and I went to League tonite.  Arnold came for them about 10 o'clock.

Surely there is a story to the wearing of apple butter and eating of pepper, but it is now lost to the ages.

Since I do not have anything in particular to add to the above, I will regale you all with more Winside history.  The entry for 1900 is long, but the ending is rather cute, so I'll just dive in.

     June 7, Commencement exercises were held last week, graduating one of the largest classes we have ever had so far.  Mrs. I. O. Brown sang a vocal solo.  Those having perfect attendance during the month of May were:  High school, Robert Elliott, Mary Gabler and Louie Needham, C.H. Bright, principal; Grammar room, Hazel Perrin, Mrs. C. H. Bright, teacher; Intermediate room, Louis Dimmel and Eddie Weible, Lizzie Brown, teacher; Primary room, A. T. Cavanaugh, Irvin Leary, Johnny Elliott, Abbie Lound, Fritz Dimmel, Vic Siman, Tottie Chapin, Carl Goltz, Mrs. W. I. Lowry, teacher.
    June 14, Real Estate bargains:  A good hotel property, priced to sell.  Very fine house and lot, good location $600.  Quarter section of land 5 1/2 miles from Winside, well improved, $28.50 per acre.
     August 2, Wayne county held their annual Sunday school convention last Friday with a good sized attendance from every Sunday school in the county.  Among the speakers was W. L. Robinson, who spoke on the subject, "What the Sunday school has a right to expect from the community."  (Mr. Robinson is a brother of Mrs. Ernest Elders.)  Mr. Ferman Lewis came to visit George, Mina and Bert rather unexpectedly last week.  The baseball game between Wayne and Winside turned out to be a real thriller, Winside won by the small margin of 23-22.  The Winside team consisted of the following:  Miller C, McClusky P, Ramsey 1B, Johnson 2B, Needham CF, Olmstead SS, Carter LF, Templeton 3B, and Colbert RF.  Errors on both sides were "too numerous to mention."  The main features of the game were a double play by Ramsey, base running by Templeton and McClusky, also the very nice weather.  Time 3 hours and 5 minutes.
     Winside markets:  Hogs, $4.40, $4.50; cattle, $4.75, $5.25; flax, $1.27; new wheat, 58 cents; oats, 17 cents; corn, 28.5 cents; butter, 15 cents; eggs 10 cents.
     September 6, "Last Sunday there were four or five young men got their horses and run them past the teams going home from church, and came near making some of them run away.  That is not right and some of the boys will be arrested yet and made an example of."  (There were other threats similar to this one in later issues but no record of the above threat being carried into court.)
     November 15, the Ladies Aid have leased the first floor of the opera house and will give their entertainments in it.
     December 3, A. T. Chapin resigned as village treasurer.  Dr. A. B. Cherry was appointed to fill out his term.
     December 4, L. S. Needham, Frank Wieble and John Elliott looked up a place for a public dump.
     December 27, some of our boys think that they have a laugh on a lad in the country.  He comes to see a lady in town and hitched his horse on the street.  The marshal placed it in the livery stable.  When the hour had passed, the small one of night, he thought it time to depart.  His horse being gone, he was obliged to go to the livery stable and get another but found his own had been placed inside by the town marshal.  Moral -- Do not stop to see your girl longer than six hours, because the marshal has orders to put teams up after standing that long.

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