Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Oh, dear

Wed., March 3, 1937 - We took the meat down to Elmer & Myrtle today.  We ran out of gas just before going in to August's pasture.  I got tired of waiting for Howard to hunt up gas & walked over home.
Thurs., March 4, 1937 - Howard helped me cut up the meat this morning.  I cleaned up the house this afternoon.
Fri., March 5, 1937 - Howard went in this morning after Mom.  We got quite a bit done today with the meat.

I wonder if Grandpa had a moment of panic when he got back to the car and Grandma was gone.  Or maybe she warned him she might not wait.  In any event, it seems somewhat un-Grandma-ish to just take off.  Apparently he didn't hold any sort of grudge as he was helping her the next morning with the meat and went to get Grandma Anna the next day.  I wonder what they talked about, if anything.

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