Saturday, January 28, 2012

The previous life of the Honda House and confusion already

"January 12, 1990: Up until yesterday the temperatures have been about normal.  Yesterday and today are very, very windy.
January 5, 1990:  I put Greta's tumbler quilt in the frame."

So, why is January 12 before January 5?  Second post and a mystery already.  Perhaps Grandma wrote January 1 and then remembered it was the 2nd but forgot to cross out the 1.  I think this is not something to dwell on but something she would shake her head and laugh about.

Clarification about the Honda House comes from my pro bono family historians.  We may have to ask others, but Mom and Nancy think the Honda House half was once a chicken coop.  It makes sense because that half has windows, not something normally installed in a section meant for storage.  And they remember that my great-great grandfather who built the house did keep chickens.  So, either the Honda House was the coop, or the coop is gone and we still don't know about the Honda House.

Mom and Nancy did say that the cob house also held coal at one time.

Lastly, Grandma's mention of a quilt.  She was a prolific quilter.  She might have liked the modern rotary cutters and other sewing and cutting short-cuts, but she hand-cut all her pieces after tracing around cardboard templates.  A serger or electric sewing machine?  Nope.  Grandma sewed everything she ever made on an old treadle sewing machine.  Of course, it was what she was used to so she was good at it, but when I tried a treadle machine, I was mainly able to make the needle go backwards.  Much more on quilts later.

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