Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Baking peppernuts

Mon., December 16, 2002 - Went to Christmas party in the lobby.  Nancy, Mary, Mitch & Anna came in evening & baked the peppernuts.
Tue., December 17, 2002 - Pacemaker checked at noon.  Dolores took me for my hairdo & Mary brought me home.  The Home Nurse came about 3:00.  In the evening Wayne, Ethel, Grace, Bob B., Helen Donaldson & I went to The Legacy to play cards with Alice Weaver who had lived here until this summer.
Wed., December 18, 2002 - Called Myrtle this morning.  I thought this was Thursday.  Went to Book Club in evening.

Still have very fond memories of both making and eating peppernuts.  Always torn between letting them sit in my mouth and get soft, and enjoying the nice crunch.

I've been watching baking competition shows lately.  Maybe I'll try a gingerbread house next Christmas.  Or maybe not.  Will try some less involved recipes from the shows, though, for sure.

Here's a recent photo of Willa doing her best Anna impression.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my but she does look like Anna. She even has the famous stare that I remember Anna had. Great picture of the little darling.
