Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Just stuff

Sun., September 15, 2002 - Nancy & I to IHOP for brunch.  Then grocery shopping & I really splurged.  Back to the apartment for "nap" & shower.
Mon., September 16, 2002 - Tired in morning.  The card group came here to play this evening.  The Party Room was being used.  Wayne, Bob, Jim, Grace & Ethel were here.  I won 3 games!!!
Tues., September 17, 2002 - Usual hair do.  Mary couldn't come after me so Dolores helped out.  Tom & Maria here a little while in evening.

I had a bit of a start when I saw the name Wayne, but obviously it wasn't Nancy's Wayne.  Just took me by surprise.  But, I'm a bit sleep deprived lately due to two rejected baby goats I have the pleasure of feeding every four hours.  Thankfully they have each other for company and warmth and don't have to live in the house.  Not sure how they will do, but they sure are cute.  I'm calling them Bobby and Cissy. 

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