Thursday, January 19, 2017

I can only imagine

Mon., November 6, 1933 - Mrs. Behmer took us to school this morning.  I'm preparing to move my desk to the back of the room.  George and I got into a little disagreement today and I had to show him who was boss!  Esther and Merlin Benshoof were here this evening.  Mr. Jochens fixed the door this morning.
Tues., November 7, 1933 - I walked to school this morning.  My desk is in the back of the room.  I like it much better.  Bruce and Charlotte started reading in their Primers.  I played football (with a beanbag!) with the kids today.  It's rather strenuous exercise for an old "softy" like I.
Wed., November 8, 1933 - We played football again today, but with a football stuffed with clothes instead.  Mrs. Behmer came after Charlotte at 3:30 today.  After school I walked down to Walkers, had supper there, and went with the kids to town tonite when they practiced their play.

I wonder how much of a "boss" Grandma was at age 21 years.  I know when Dale made it to her class in late elementary or junior high, she was much feared.  I don't remember who it was, but when Dale came back to Winside and was being shown around to his classes, his guide warned him that Mrs. Iversen was "a real battle ax" or something like that.  And by then she was "old" at 60 years with plenty of teaching under her belt.  Of course, Dale told the young lad that Mrs. Iversen was his grandmother and that probably put no small amount of fear in his little heart.

A football stuffed with clothes?  I am confused.

Not sure when the photograph was taken, but those look like my fifth grade glasses and hair.  So, this is pretty close to the time of the battle ax remark.

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