Monday, December 12, 2016

Surely not a fight

Tues., October 31, 1933 - We had our Halloween party this afternoon after recess.  At recess George, Delmar, and I darkened the room by putting paper over the windows.  As the kids came in they put on their masks.  We played games, races, etc.  They seemed to have a good time.
Wed., November 1, 1933 - We were busy reviewing for examinations today.  The schoolroom isn't quite back to usual order after the party.  Tonite I copied examination questions.  Turned cold this afternoon.  Mrs. Behmer came after us but we had gone.  The catch on the door broke off today.  The door has to be locked to keep it shut. 
Thurs., November 2, 1933 - We had part of our examinations today.  I got up at 6:00 this morning and had a fire started by 7:00.  This p.m. George started acting smart and sassy. I became so angry I "had a fight with him" as Charlotte told her mother.  Mrs. Behmer came after us tonite on her way home from Ladies Aid.

I had to chuckle about the fight comment.  I wonder how old Charlotte was here.  I also wonder how angry Grandma really got with her pupil.  Surely nothing too horrible, of course.

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